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Convert Variable From String To Int In C#

Code snippet for how to Convert Variable From String To Int In C# with sample and detail explanation

In this article, we will learn how to convert a variable from string to int in the C# programming language. This consideration is fundamental when dealing with numerical operations that require an integer rather than a string data type.

Code snippet: Converting a Variable from String to Int in C#

First, let’s take a look at the piece of code that accomplishes this task.

string stringVariable = "123";
int convertedVariable;
bool isConvertSuccessful = Int32.TryParse(stringVariable, out convertedVariable);
    Console.WriteLine("Converted variable is " + convertedVariable);
    Console.WriteLine("Conversion failed");

Code Explanation for Converting a Variable from String to Int in C#

Now that we have seen the code, let’s delve into what each line means.

string stringVariable = "123";

We start by declaring a string variable and initializing it with a string that contains digits. This will be the string we want to convert to an integer.

int convertedVariable;

Next, we declare an integer variable that will hold our converted value.

bool isConvertSuccessful = Int32.TryParse(stringVariable, out convertedVariable);

The Int32.TryParse() method is used to convert the string to an integer. This method returns a boolean value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded or not. If successful, it stores the converted value in the ‘out’ parameter (in this case ‘convertedVariable’).


This is a conditional statement that checks if the conversion was successful. If isConvertSuccessful is true, the conversion was successful.

    Console.WriteLine("Converted variable is " + convertedVariable);

Within the first block of the 'if' condition, we print out the converted variable if the conversion was successful.

    Console.WriteLine("Conversion failed");

In case the conversion fails, i.e., `Int32.TryParse()` method returns false, this block executes and prints out 'Conversion failed. 

Keeping track of these procedures is key in managing data types and their transformations in C#. If a string representing a number needs to be utilized as an integer, this conversion method is one of the simplest and most practical ways to achieve that.