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Convert A String To Uppercase In C#

Code snippet for how to Convert A String To Uppercase In C# with sample and detail explanation

Manipulating strings is a vital aspect of programming, and in C#, there are numerous techniques to alter a string’s case. This article will walk you through one of the simplest methods to convert a string to uppercase in C#.

Code snippet for String to Uppercase Conversion

Here is a simple code snippet to convert a string to uppercase in C#.

string myString = "Hello Coding World";
myString = myString.ToUpper();
Console.WriteLine(myString);   // Outputs "HELLO CODING WORLD"

Code Explanation for String to Uppercase Conversion

Let’s break it down and understand how this piece of code works, line by line:

  1. string myString = "Hello Coding World";

In this line of code, we define a string variable named myString and assign it the value Hello Coding World.

  1. myString = myString.ToUpper();

The ToUpper() method is an inbuilt function in C# that converts all string characters to uppercase. So, after this line of code, myString would have been converted from Hello Coding World to HELLO CODING WORLD.

  1. Console.WriteLine(myString);

Finally, we print out myString, allowing the output HELLO CODING WORLD to appear in the console.

That’s it! With these simple steps you can convert any string to uppercase in C#. You should note that the ToUpper() method doesn’t modify the original string. Instead, it creates a new string where all characters are in uppercase, and the original string remains unchanged. Therefore, you must assign the result of the ToUpper() operation to a string variable if you want to keep the uppercase version around for later use.
