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Use If Conditional Statement In C++

Code snippet for how to Use If Conditional Statement In C++ with sample and detail explanation

If conditional statements are a fundamental component of C++ programming. They allow for the execution of code based on specific conditions.

Code snippet: Using If Conditional Statement in C++


int main() {
    int num = 10;

    if(num > 5) {
        std::cout << "The number is greater than 5.";

    return 0;

Code Explanation: Using If Conditional Statement in C++

This simple C++ program demonstrates the basic use of an if statement. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough of what this program does:

  1. The program starts with the standard header file #include<iostream>. This line of syntax lets the program know to use the std::cout object, which prints output to the console.

  2. The program then defines the main() function which is the entry point of the C++ program.

  3. Inside the main() function, there is a variable int num that is assigned a value of 10.

  4. Next comes the if statement. The condition for the if statement is num > 5. If the value of num is greater than 5, the code inside the curly brackets {} will be executed.

  5. The code inside the brackets is std::cout << "The number is greater than 5.";. The std::cout object will print "The number is greater than 5." to the console. Since num is indeed greater than 5, this line of code is executed.

  6. Finally, the return 0; statement indicates that the program has run successfully. It’s the exit status of the program.

The if statement in the code is a simple but essential feature that controls the flow of the program. It allows the program to react differently to different inputs or conditions.
