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Declare A Class In C++

Code snippet for how to Declare A Class In C++ with sample and detail explanation

C++ is an integral programming language for software engineers, the basis of which includes learning how to declare a class. In C++, a class is a blueprint for creating objects, providing initial values for state and implementing behavior.

Declaring A Class In C++

To declare a class in C++, you need to utilize the ‘class’ keyword followed by the name of the class.

Here is an example:

class MyClass{
      int myNum;
      string myString;

Code Explanation

The word ‘class’ introduces a new type, followed by the name of your class. In this case, the class is called “MyClass.”

The part inside the curly braces {} is where one defines the class attributes and methods. As shown above the class “MyClass” has two attributes: int myNum and string myString.

public: is an access specifier. That means myNum and myString can be accessed from outside the class.

A semicolon ; ends the class definition.

This is the bare minimum needed to declare a basic class in C++, providing you with the foundation to start creating objects, and adding more complex features to your class like methods and constructors.

Remember, declaring your class alone doesn’t use any memory until you create an instance of the class or an object. Classes are these blueprints which describe an object’s properties and behavior that they’re going to have once you use them or instantiate them.

It’s important to note, however, that this code won’t compile on its own — it is simply declaring a type. To use this MyClass type in your program, you would need to create object(s) of this class within the main() function or anywhere that suits your program flow.

With this basic understanding of declaring a class in C++, you’re on your way to delving deeper into object-oriented programming.
