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Convert Variable From Int To String In C++

Code snippet for how to Convert Variable From Int To String In C++ with sample and detail explanation

At times, while programming with C++, you may find that you need to convert a variable from an integer into a string. This article will guide you through how exactly you can achieve this efficiently in C++.

Code snippet for Integer to String Conversion

The standard way to convert an integer to a string in C++ is by using the built-in function std::to_string(). Here is a simple code snippet that demonstrates this:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
   int number = 123;
   std::string strNumber = std::to_string(number);

   std::cout << "The string value is: " << strNumber << std::endl;

   return 0;

When you run the program, the output will be: The string value is: 123.

Code Explanation for Integer to String Conversion

In the above code snippet, we are using the std::to_string() function to convert an integer into a string. Let’s break down how it works step by step.

  1. #include <iostream> and #include <string>: As always, we start by including necessary libraries. For this code snippet, we need standard input-output library(’’) and string library(’’).

  2. int main() { ... }: This is the main function where the program execution starts.

  3. int number = 123;: Here, we are declaring an integer variable named ‘number’ and initializing it with the value 123.

  4. std::string strNumber = std::to_string(number);: This is where the conversion takes place. The std::to_string() function takes an integer as input and returns a string. Therefore, strNumber now contains the string representation of the integer value stored in the ‘number’ variable.

  5. std::cout << "The string value is: " << strNumber << std::endl;: This line prints out the string value on the console.

  6. return 0;: The program ends and returns 0 to the operating system, meaning successful termination.

In conclusion, it is easy to convert an integer to a string in C++ using the std::to_string() function. This function is straightforward to use and doesn’t require any complex procedures to execute successfully.
