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Capitalize A String In C++

Code snippet for how to Capitalize A String In C++ with sample and detail explanation

When programming in C++, there may be instances when you need to capitalize a string. This article will guide you through the simple process of capitalizing a string in C++.

Code snippet for Capitalizing a String in C++

Here is a simple code snippet in C++ that can be used to capitalize a string:

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

string original = "this string will be capitalized";
string capitalized;

transform(original.begin(), original.end(), back_inserter(capitalized), ::toupper);

Simply put, this code takes a string original as input and creates a capitalized string capitalized as output.

Code Explanation for Capitalizing a String in C++

The code starts by importing the algorithm and string libraries, which provide the functions used in the code. The keyword using namespace std; is also used to avoid specifying the standard namespace, std::, before each function.

Next, the original string to be capitalized, named original, is declared. This string could contain any text.

Another string capitalized is introduced to store the capitalized version of the original string. At this point, capitalized has no value assigned to it.

The transform function is then used to iterate over each character in the original string. This function applies the ::toupper function to each character, transforming it to uppercase. The back_inserter function is used to insert the capitalized characters into the capitalized string.

As a result, at the end of the code block, capitalized contains the capitalized version of original.

To use this code in different situations, simply replace the original string with any text you want to capitalize. This code will then transform it into the capitalized version.
