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How to auto delete files in AWS s3 every X times interval in Nodejs

Here is how you can auto delete files from certain bucker in AWS s3 storage every X times interval in Nodejs, whether less than a day, an hour or any time you choose

Here is how you can auto delete files from certain bucker in AWS s3 storage every X times interval in Nodejs, whether less than a day, an hour or any time you choose

Raw logic to choose which files to delete

Not like MYSQL query, where we have a where clause to run on a query. We have to implement a different strategy for AWS.

The big picture:

Initalize the AWS S3

Assume you have .env file to store the sensitive informations

import AWS from 'aws-sdk'
import dotenv from 'dotenv'


const s3 = new AWS.S3({
    endpoint: process.env.DO_SPACES_FILE_ENDPOINT,
    accessKeyId: process.env.DO_SPACES_KEY_ID,
    secretAccessKey: process.env.DO_SPACES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
    region: process.env.DO_SPACES_REGION,

Collect all keys from selected bucket and folder

List all the files

const params = {
    Bucket: process.env.DO_SPACES_BUCKET || '',
    Prefix: 'user-upload-folder/',

const data = await s3.listObjectsV2(params).promise()

Now we have all files, in selected bucket and folder. user-upload-folder is my sample of folder’s name. If you want to check files in all folders, then you can let prefix empty.

Filter only items less than X days

Now, we have all the files in data.Contents.

const keys = data.Contents?.map((item) => {
    // exception for the folder
    if (item.Key === 'user-upload-folder/') {

    const fileTime = item.LastModified?.getTime()
    const currentTime = new Date().getTime()
    console.log('fileTime: ', fileTime)

    // if file is older than 1 hour
    if (fileTime && currentTime - fileTime > 3600000) {
        return { Key: item.Key }

Clean up our objects

Since on our loop, we potentially have null values, let’s filter it with

// remove null from keys array
//  Used for folder name . to not remove the folder
const filteredKeys = keys?.filter((item) => item !== undefined)

Magic part: delete!

Now the moment we’ve been waiting. Let’s delete this keys from cleaned up data

// prepare the data (correct parameter needed)
const deleteParams = {
    Bucket: process.env.DO_SPACES_BUCKET || '',
    Delete: {
        Objects: filteredKeys,
        Quiet: false,
} as AWS.S3.DeleteObjectsRequest

try {
    const responseDelete = await s3
    console.log('Successfully deleted files')
    return res.status(200).json({ data: responseDelete })
} catch (error) {
    console.log('Failed to delete files')

How to auto run ?

You can hit the endpoint where you have all the logics above with a CRON.

Once your endpoint is online, you can use any service you want to hit the endpoint on the interval necessary for your case. For example you can use cron-job or for free

That’s it!
