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How many programming languages should I know

How many programming languages should you learn is a normal question to ask when you just beginning your journey in programming world. Here is my take

As a new programmer, it’s natural to wonder how many programming languages you should know. The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The number of languages you should learn depends on your goals as a developer and the type of projects you want to work on.


When you’re just starting out, it’s important to focus on learning the basics of programming and a single language well. This will give you a solid foundation to build upon as you continue to learn and grow as a developer. Once you have a good grasp of the basics, you can begin to branch out and learn other languages.

Choose 1 language first, and stick to that for a while

Different programming language has a different purpose

It’s important to consider what kind of projects you want to work on. Different languages are better suited to different types of tasks. For example, if you’re interested in building websites, you’ll want to learn languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you’re interested in working on mobile apps, you’ll want to learn languages like Swift for iOS and Java for Android. If you’re interested in data science or machine learning, you’ll want to learn languages like Python or R.

So deciding what are you going to do is the priority.

You don’t have to learn many programming languages

It’s important to keep in mind that sometimes you might be drawn to other languages simply because you haven’t fully discovered the magic of the tools you already know. It’s easy to assume that other languages will make you more productive or efficient, but this is not always the case. The grass is not always greener on the other side.

Instead of getting caught up in the idea that you need to know every language, it’s better to focus on mastering the ones that will help you achieve your goals as a developer.

As Bruce Lee said “I I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times”.

You will learn more than one programming language

As a developer, it’s natural to have an interest in learning multiple programming languages. Even if you start out with a specific focus or goal, you may find that your interests change over time, and that’s okay!

For example, let’s say you start out as a web developer and then decide to transition into mobile development. In order to do this effectively, you’ll likely need to learn new programming languages that are specific to mobile development. It’s all a part of the journey of becoming a well-rounded and versatile developer.

So don’t stress if you find yourself wanting to learn new languages or change your focus. It’s a normal part of the development journey and is a sign that you’re growing and evolving as a developer. Embrace new opportunities and changes, and enjoy the process of learning and discovering new tools to add to your developer toolbox.

It’s a good thing to learn other language

Versatility: Knowing multiple programming languages expands your skillset and makes you more versatile as a developer. You’ll be better equipped to work on a wide range of projects, and you’ll be able to adapt to new technologies and changing industry trends.

Career opportunities: Knowing multiple languages can increase your employability and open up new career opportunities. For example, a web developer who also knows a mobile development language like Swift or Java will be more attractive to employers looking for someone with experience in both web and mobile development.

Problem-solving skills: Learning different languages can help improve your problem-solving skills. Each language has its own strengths and weaknesses, and by learning multiple languages, you’ll be exposed to different ways of solving problems and different approaches to coding.

Understanding different paradigms: Each programming language is built on a different paradigm, such as Object-Oriented or Functional, and learning multiple languages allows you to understand and leverage the strengths of each paradigm. This will make you more efficient and productive as developer.


It’s also important to keep in mind that programming languages are constantly evolving, so it’s essential to stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the field.
