OneBite.Dev - Coding blog in a bite size

🧑‍🚀 Blog for learning docker

docker blog posts, coding tips and trick in a bitesize to help you learn docker.

FastAPI and PostgreSQL docker compose setup (simple version)

Here is how my minimal setup for fastAPI and PostgreSQL project using docker-compose for local development

fastapi docker

How to cd (change directory) inside docker compose

Here is how you can CD into your app inside a running docker compose program that need to be executed


Solve docker django could not connect to server Connection refused postgre

Here is how I solve docker issue when running django could not connect to server Connection refused connecting to postgre database


How to solve docker containers can not be down or stopped or removed - permission denied error

How to solve docker containers can not be down or stopped or removed caused by permission denied error


How to auto answer yes or no question when installing with apt in docker

When running a docker image, sometimes we need to install a package that requires us to answering a yes and no question. But docker will exit because of this

docker linux

Empty folder not copied to docker - folder not found on production

If your empty folder not copied to docker while on production and you getting error folder not found - here is how I solve it


Print X number of docker logs

Here is how to print certain amount of logs on docker. It is helpful for me to debug what is happening recently


Install multiple fonts on docker images

Looking for a way on how to install multiple fonts on your docker images? here is how I did it


Start using mongo shell in docker

Simple guide on how to Start using mongo shell in docker. We just need to take the mongo's docker name and run it as interactive shell.
